No, I didn't save these pictures from last month. This is what it looks like outside our door this morning. It's just lovely! I told Trey that he needed to hurry and get bigger so he could shovel. The next thing I know he's telling me that he's already big enough and showing me the porch. I'm just so proud! I am officially ready for spring and done with the snow. Maybe I'll just move to Arizona. I'm still waiting to take pictures of everyone in their Easter outfits. Rachel and I didn't make it to church last week despite the fact that I was supposed to play the piano in Sacrament Meeting and I had Sharing Time in Primary, because I was puking my guts out. So Rachel didn't wear her dress last week and I didn't have the heart to make her wear a short sleeve dress with five inches of snow on the ground. I guess we'll just have to wait a little longer for Spring pictures since even though it's almost April, Mr Winter just doesn't want to go away!