Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kyler the Observant One!

So, I've currently given up on posting beach pictures. I might just end up making a slide show. I can't really think of enough things that I want to say about it. It was fun, but a lot of family time. I can only keep my mouth shut for so long and five days was definitely pushing it. Anyways, so on to the reason I'm posting today. For most of you that know me, you know that unfortunately most of the time my house looks like this.....
Tidiness has never ever been my strong suit. Though I do have occasions on which I make attempts. For instance the other day I asked the boys to help me pick up some of their toys. The response from Kyler came without missing a beat, "Who's coming over, mom?" I thought I was going to fall over laughing. I've been know to say that if you want to come over to see me, then come on over. If you want to see my house, you might want to make an appointment. However, evidently I do clean for people to come over because Kyler doesn't seem to think there is any other reason to do so. There is something so funny about the way Kyler says things. I decided it's because he is so small, to which LeRoy responded, "Yeah, you wouldn't think it was funny at all if I said it!" Boy, has he got that right!!

1 comment:

Lanell said...

I really enjoy reading your blog! Your kids crack me up.