Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hoopfest 2008

I suppose since it's been a whole week that I should probably post about Hoopfest. Things went pretty smoothly this year. Probably because I didn't do even half of what I normally do. Instead of cooking dinner for everyone Friday night, we went to the China Buffet here in town. That was fun! Saturday morning I had to do a check-in so I sent the boys with LeRoy and waited for the call to tell me whether they won or lost and when they played next. The call came that they lost (first time they lost the first game ever in 7 years) allowing me to wait until 2pm to head downtown. Unfortunately, it was warmer than if I would have gone for the morning game, but it was worth it. Now deep down inside I really wanted them to win the second game and lose the third (causing them to not play on Sunday) because I really needed a substitute for Primary the next day, but they ended up losing. This led to another first in our Hoopfest experience, the Consolation Bracket. For those of you who aren't familiar with 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament double elimination bracket set up, each team is guaranteed to play three games. So, if you lose twice you go to a four team Consolation bracket. If you win two consecutive games, you're the winner of this bracket and so deemed the King of the Losers and winners of a 13th (out of 16 teams) place t-shirt! Years ago, before political correctness became a factor, they called them the Loser Kings. Now they are allowed to call them that anymore. Okay, so I get a text message while sitting talking after church that they won their first Sunday game and they played again at 1:30. Of course it was like almost 1:00 at the time, so I go flying downtown. I didn't want to pay ten bucks to park for thirty minutes so I parked farther away and walked in shoes that had already given me blisters from 'running' around at church. I was glad I did though because they won! My husband is a Loser King. Something he's wanted to be for a few years now, but wasn't willing to intentionally lose just to live that dream. I wish I had the camera (LeRoy took it to Bellingham) to take a picture of the shirt. I don't want to describe it because it will lose the effect. But be excited for my favorite thing ever about Hoopfest, even better than the finalist t-shirt they got years back for being in the championship game. So, tomorrow when they get back I'll take a picture. Most of you probably won't read this before then anyways. Good grief, it's almost midnight! I better get to bed. Another exciting day of Primary tomorrow! It always makes me wish they would hurry up and get that cloning thing down. Ha Ha! Wow, I'm tired. Good night.


Lanell said...

I read it before you got the T-shirt posted :) Sounds like he had a lot of fun even if he was the Loser King. btw, what do you do in primary?

Aston said...

No way!!! I can't wait to tell Dan. I am so sad that we couldn't be there for Hoopfest. We had blast last year.. what an incredible experience. Dan still has the poster hanging in his classroom above his desk.