Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 1 of "Create and Compassion-ate"

I want to reiterate that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and to avoid being accused of being 'crafty' I would also like to emphasize that this is creating, not crafting! I was at the dollar store with my mom and got caught at a moment of weakness and bought three bunches of flowers and a bag of rocks. I used to think this kind of stuff was just plain dumb, but I am starting to realize that it makes me smile and feel happy inside so I figured, hey, it's fall and I can't kill these flowers! (Wow, that was a lot of commas. Can't possibly be grammatically correct, but oh well!) So, maybe with a centerpiece I will be more inclined to keep the table cleared off. I say it's worth a shot!!


Danae said...

Good idea to keep the table cleared off. Your flower arrangement looks very nice and autumn-y!

Celeste said...

I have a feeling that this post has something to do with President Uchtdorf's talk from Saturday... which I loved! Your post and the talk, that is!

Keep on creating GIRL! and come to the temple on the 21st with me and sister toone and sister shaner! I just heard about this today!!