Monday, December 8, 2008

Ever have a day that makes you forget 'one of those days'?

I am so blessed. Today was great! I watched a friend's two kids this morning and they were great. My daughter and her's are stinkin' adorable and sweet together. I got some good girl phone time in with a dear friend. My mom came over with my niece and nephew who also played so nicely with the boys and Rachel. We made gingerbread cookies and the kiddos thought it was great. I made dinner instead of succumbing to my desire to go to McDonalds. The dishes are done and the sink is empty. Clothes are in the dryer. Toys are picked up. I can see the carpet in the living room. I feel awake enough to get some more scripture reading in. Life is good.


Anonymous said...

Wow, it sounds like everything went perfectly for you today! That makes me happy!

Sheila said...

It's that whole principle of compensation Elder Wirthlin talked about in Conference! He said "The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. Thar which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way!"

Yeah for you!

Aston said...

Love you!!! So true those days that make you forget those days. I needed to hear that. Let's pray tomorrow can be a day that I forget about today. It was just a long day. Dan was at his game and I am just soooo tired. And I wonder why!