Friday, November 7, 2008

The joys of being the mother.......

This is going to be kind of a random thoughts post that I want to have documented so that I can refer back to them later. I came to the conclusion a few weeks ago that if all I had to do was be the mother to my children that I would have 10 kids. Let me explain. If I had an endless supply of resources and was able to have someone to do the cooking, cleaning, picking up, taxi driving, organizing, laundry, and all the other cruddy stuff life would be cake. I could spend my day reading books, playing trucks and trains, writing letters, doing projects, taking walks, kissing scraped knees, rocking baby, cuddling, teaching, even disciplining. What a life that would be! That being said, I obviously don't have endless resources and so I spend my day attempting to implement routines and habits that will help me get control of all that cruddy stuff in an attempt to convince myself and my spouse that I really could handle another baby without letting my house go to pot. The last week or so I have been doing pretty well and it made me come to another conclusion. I had mentioned to LeRoy and my mom that Trey had been amazingly well behaved the last few days. It wasn't until after I had mentioned it more than once that I realized that the picked up house and Trey's behavior were on a very similar schedule. Coincidence? I think not. I know what my brain does when things get messy. I can only imagine what a little boys brain with probably the same tendencies as my own would do! And so my efforts continue as I strive to make my home a haven for my children and a place where they want to be.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Baby girl,

You're outlook never ceases to amaze are such an inspiration!

Love you tons